Rising labour costs and burdens on employers, as well as the spreading form of remote work, have contributed to the growing popularity of B2B cooperation agreements.
In our articles we focus on topics related to the current changes in Polish and international law, we analyze the consequences of amendments to tax regulations for taxpayers, and we describe planned developments and their consequences for business. We also focus on issues important for accounting departments, new reporting obligations, pointing out the practical effects of the implementation of the amended regulations on the daily activities of entrepreneurs.

Najnowsze posty
Research and development tax relief reduces minimum income tax
The tax base for (national) minimum income tax can be reduced by the value of the tax credits used, including the research and development (R&D) tax relief.
WięcejMilestone and advance payment – VAT settlement of the project implemented in phases
As a rule, taxpayer is obliged to tax a given activity at the time the tax obligation arises, i.e. at the time the goods are delivered, or the service is performed.
WięcejVAT on NFT tokens
NFT tokens are becoming increasingly popular and are of interest to both hobbyists and investors. Trading these can have a number of tax implications, including VAT.
WięcejR&D relief: Depreciation write-offs on improved fixed assets
The Supreme Administrative Court indicated that only depreciation write-offs on fixed assets which are used in the conducted R&D activity may be deemed eligible costs.
WięcejBitcoin and other crypto assets and VAT
The continuing popularity of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has inevitably led to questions about their taxation, in particular, VAT.