The year 2021 in the real estate sector in Poland saw many interesting twists and turns.
In our articles we focus on topics related to the current changes in Polish and international law, we analyze the consequences of amendments to tax regulations for taxpayers, and we describe planned developments and their consequences for business. We also focus on issues important for accounting departments, new reporting obligations, pointing out the practical effects of the implementation of the amended regulations on the daily activities of entrepreneurs.
Najnowsze posty
Nearing deadlines for fulfilling documentation and reporting obligations in the area of transfer pricing for 2021
There is little time left to meet the deadlines related to transfer pricing for 2021.
WięcejConfusion over regulations on indirect tax haven transactions – Ministry of Finance presents new proposal
The latest publication by the Ministry of Finance hints at the planned repeal of regulations on indirect tax haven transactions.
WięcejReal estate company – reporting the ownership structure
By the end of September 2022, real estate companies must report their ownership structure to tax authorities. The Ministry of Finance has published the relevant forms.
WięcejProposed amendments to regulations on haven transactions
The Polish Ministry of Finance published the announced draft act amending the Corporate Income Tax Act and certain other laws.
WięcejFurther major amendments to the CIT Act – a draft bill
The draft bill modifies some of the solutions introduced into the Polish legal order as part of the so-called Polish Deal.